These are testing times for the food and drinks industry. Peoples’ habits are being transformed and molded differently due to “force major” and brands must follow these new trends if they are wanting to survive this crisis.

More than ever before people will be looking for healthier options especially in the alcoholic drinks sector. Quality elaborated drinks made with fine quality ingredients are driving the new revival.


The need to be in healthier and better shape to be able to fight off any threatening virus has been highlighted and now paving the way for a new life model with a more leisurely lifesyle providing in turn a more enjoyable carefree and non-agressive or forced drinking experience. Less calories, lower alcohol, less added sugars, gluten free, vegan friendly products with high mineral low sodium soft water blended into the mix being of utmost importance.


The colour, the smell, the taste followed now by the “what is in this?” “what am I drinking?” “Where’s the nutritional info?” “How many calories are in this?”


“Sessionable” drinks of old will be hardest hit as volumes and consumption reduces. Typically gassey watery beers and low fruit content ciders with high added sugar compounds will ultimately be sidelined in favour of “crafted” modern versions offering tastier and more naturally absorbing liquids to brighten our going out and staying home party experiences.


By the way some brands have already been preparing the last years for this new era which is upon us. Visionary brands are already at your service. Smile, you’ve just met “Armada Cider 1588”


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